Integration possibilities:
Synchronize product cards and stock between Kladana and WooCommerce, including custom fields and modifications.
Synchronize Orders from WooCommerce to Kladana, including counterparty data, statuses, and automatic creation of an incoming payment.
The integration allows you to:
- Automatically reserve stock in Kladana when an order is created
- Transfer custom field data from Kladana to WooCommerce
- Synchronise stock for specific warehouses, etc
Enabling WooCommerce
To activate the WooCommerce app, click the “Install” button on the app card.
Then follow the on-screen connection instructions.
The User key and User secret key are in WooCommerce settings: WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API.
When creating an API key, add any description and select Permissions -> Read/Write and Generate an API key.
Copy the keys. Please note that you won't be able to see your keys after you close this page.
Add the copied keys to the settings page in Kladana.
After that, you will go to the product synchronization settings page.
Synchronization settings
If you mark “Create product as draft”, then when you export products from Kladana to WooCommerce, they will be created as drafts and will not appear immediately in your online store.
Select which product ID field in Kladana should correspond to the field in WooCommerce.
The next step is setting for sales order synchronization.
Remember to match the status fields in Kladana with those in WooCommerce.
The last step is to select the source of the initial export of products - from Kladana or WooCommerce.
After completing the setup, you can always return and configure how products and orders can be synced.
You can set a period when you need to sync products. You can also start syncing manually on the main screen, and the results will be displayed.
If you require any support contact Amgroup from the support section in the app or the Kladana support team in the chat.