If the actual amounts in your bank account or cash register do not match the corresponding amounts in Kladana, you can adjust them. This allows you to establish the initial balance and ensure accurate accounting.
To adjust the balance:
- In the Kladana workspace, select Financials → Adjustments.
- Click +Adjustment and select Bank Account Adjustment or Cashbox Adjustment in the drop-down menu.
- In the opened window:
- Indicate you Company;
- Specify the Adjustment Sum or the Final Balance. When you fill in one of the fields, the other one is automatically filled in.
- Click Save.
You can also adjust the balance of your bank account and cash register in your company’s settings.
- In the Kladana workspace, click on the user icon and select Settings → My Companies and Tax Settings.
- Select the company in the list.
- In the Cashbox section or Account number sections, click Adjust balance.
- In the opened window:
- Indicate you Company;
- Specify the Adjustment Sum or the Final Balance. When you fill in one of the fields, the other one is automatically filled in.
- Click Save.
To view how the balance has changed, select Overview → Overview, Financials → Adjustments, and Financials → Cash Flow Report.