If you need to add a new print form or customize Kladana print form, please submit a request to our support team.
Each print template requires a separate request. If you need to add several print forms, submit a request to each template. They are considered and executed in the common queue.
The term of the request consideration may vary from 2 to 7 business days depending on its sophistication. The option is available for users with paid Subscription plans. In certain cases, free trial users requests are also considered.
If the requested print template cannot be performed, you may be offered an analogue similar in format and purpose, or you may be denied the execution of the template.
A request to customize a standard print template may be denied if the format and content of the template is regulated by law.
Submit a request
- Click Submit a request or follow the direct link.
- Enter your email address (required).
- Indicate the subject of the request (required).
- Specify the details of the request in the description (required):
- If you need to customize a printed form available in Kladana, indicate the name of the printed form and the modifications that should be done, such as "to change the order of X and Y fields in the Sales Quotation printed form".
- If you want to add custom fields, for every field specify:
- location in the Kladana workspace (Ex.: Sales Order),
- name, case sensitive (Ex.: Delivery method),
- type (Ex.: Dropdown).
- Click Add file or drop files here to attach the files:
- If any image, logo, trademark should be used in the print template, the files in .png or .jpg are required.
- If you request to add a new print template, the print template layout in .excel is required. Please pay attention to the template design and formatting (font, size, scale). It will be executed exactly according to your layout.
- If you request to customize a printed form available in Kladana, attach the screenshots of the printed form with comments and marks.
- Click Submit.