If materials and semi-finished products used in production are stored in different warehouses, when executing a Production Order, you need to purchase them, monitor their quantities, and move them between warehouses. The Supply section facilitates the management of all these processes. Let’s consider a few examples of how the supply process can be organized.
- Supply for a Production order
- Supply for multiple Production orders
- Production order based on another Production order
- Related transactions
Supply for a Production order
You have a Production Order. Before starting its execution, it is necessary to check if the required materials and components are in stock, and to order or produce any that are missing.
- Create Production order.
- Specify Materials Warehouse and Product Warehouse. They may be different warehouses.
- In the Finished Products tab, add Bills of Materials and specify the Volume Ratio to determine the number of finished products.
- In the Raw Materials tab, check whether there are enough materials for production. The number of materials needed is indicated in the To Supply column.
- Сlick Supply to order additional materials.
- In the Supply Stock By column, specify the transaction to obtain the required raw materials:
- Stock Transfer — select it if you have the needed materials at the other warehouse, and the materials can be obtained from there;
- Purchase Order — select it if there are no materials at the warehouses, and they need to be ordered;
- Production Order — select it if semi-finished products, which you produce yourself, are used as materials for the Production order.
- To choose a single transaction for all materials, click on the column title and select the preferred option.
- In the Source-to-Supply column, specify the supplier from whom you are going to purchase the material. Suppliers can vary for each material.
- In the Qty to supply column, specify the quantity of materials to order. To calculate it automatically click on the title of the column and choose the method:
- Based on the available stock,
- Based on the stock-on-hand,
- Same as Qty required.
- To check if the required quantity of raw materials is available at the other warehouse, specify for the materials:
- Supply stock by — Stock Transfer;
- Source-to-Supply — warehouse where you want to check the quantity of materials.
- In the menu, the quantity of raw materials is indicated for the warehouse. If the quantity of any material is not enough, specify for the material: Supply stock by — Purchase Order.
- Specify Qty to Supply — the number of materials you want to order. Click on the column header and choose Same as Qty required.
- Click Create.
To view the created transactions, select Purchases → Purchase Orders, Inventory → Transfers or Production → Production Orders. Wait for the delivery of materials or manufacture semi-finished products, then execute the Production order.
Supply for multiple Production orders
You have several Production Orders, and you do not have enough materials to fulfill them.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Production → Production Orders.
- In the list of Production orders, select the Production orders using checkboxes.
- Сlick Supply to order additional materials.
- Specify:
- Supply Stock By — the way to get the materials;
- Source-to-Supply — the supplier;
- Qty to supply — the number of materials you want to order.
- Click Create.
Production order based on another Production order
You manufacture products from semi-finished products. For example, you sew shirt components and then assemble them in finished products, shirts. You have several Bills of Materials and Routings for producing the semi-finished products, shirt components. Additionally, you have multiple warehouses, for example, for semi-finished and finished products. In this case, to manufacture products from semi-finished goods:
- Create Production order.
- Specify:
- Materials Warehouse — warehouse of semi-finished products;
- Product Warehouse — warehouse of finished products.
- In the Raw Materials tab, check whether there are enough materials for production. The number of materials needed is indicated in the To Supply column.
- Сlick Supply to order additional materials.
- In the Supply Stock By column, click on the column title and select Production Order to create production orders for manufacturing semi-finished products yourself. If the quantity of raw materials is not sufficient, select Purchase Order instead of Production Order.
- In the Source-to-Supply column, the corresponding Bills of Materials are automatically indicated. According to them, you manufacture the necessary semi-finished products.
- Specify Qty to supply without considering the stock.
- Click Create.
- Select Production → Production Orders. In the list, there will be Production Orders for all semi-finished products.
Related transactions
As Purchase Orders and Transfers are based on other transactions, they are linked with those transactions. You can always track related transactions:
- In the Kladana workspace, select the transaction. For example, a Production order.
- In the Related transactions tab, the parent transaction and the transactions created from it are listed. In the example below, a Purchase Order and a Production order are created from the Production Order.
- Click on the transaction to view the details.