In Kladana you can track your stock using reports Stock and Stock Movement.
In the Stock report (Inventory -> Stock) you can see 4 columns that specify stock amount: On hand, Committed, Awaiting, and Available.
On hand - the total quantity of items that you currently have in your warehouses. It includes committed stock.
Committed - the total quantity of items reserved by customer orders. When you create Sales Order, there is an option to reserve products, so that they won’t be used and sold by other Sales Orders.
So all products from Sales Orders which have such mark will appear in that column. Once Shipment for this Sales Order is created. All stock fields will be reduced for this amount.
Awaiting - the total quantity of items that you’ve ordered but haven’t received yet. While you are creating a Purchase order, there is an option to allocate products to awaiting stock. All products which are allocated in Purchase Orders will appear in that column. Once the Receiving is created, the product amount will appear in On hand stock.
Available - The total quantity of items available for sale. It calculates as On hand stock - Committed stock + Awaiting stock.
In this example, we have:
400 meters of cotton On hand (actual stock including committed stock);
2 meters are Committed (we got it in Sales orders and we haven’t shipped them yet);
3 meters are In transit (we created a purchase order with it and haven’t received it yet);
401 meters are available (298 meters we can sell plus 3 meters that we will soon have).
So, it is not strict to use allocation in Sales and Purchase orders. In that case On hand and Awailable will have the same amount and show you how many items you have in your warehouse.
In the Stock movement report you see the actual quantity exclusive of goods that were allocated to committed or awaiting stock.