You can create and add barcodes for such entities in Kladana:
- Barcodes for products, variants, bundles, and services
- Barcodes for packaging
- Barcodes for bins
Purpose of barcodes
In Kladana, barcodes simplify the process of adding items to transactions. Scanning a barcode automatically adds the necessary item to a transaction.
Examples of use cases:
Receiving Goods:
When you receive goods from a supplier and need to record them in your inventory, you can scan each item's barcode instead of manually entering the details. The item will be added directly to the Receiving transaction.
Shipping Goods:
The same principle applies here. Additionally, you can use a Pick List printed from the shipment transaction. By using the barcodes on the Pick List, you ensure you pick the correct items.
Inventory Counting:
Instead of manually adding each item during stocktaking to the inventory count transaction, you can scan the barcodes. The system will automatically add the scanned items to the document.
Important Note. Kladana does not reflect the status of a product or material based on its barcode. To check stock statuses, you can use the Stock Report. Learn more here.
Kladana also provides the ability to generate barcodes and print them in your desired format. Learn more here.
Barcodes for Bins
In the Bin Settings in Kladana, you can assign a barcode to each bin. This simplifies selecting and adding bins to transactions.
For example:
During goods receiving, you can scan the item's barcode to add it to the transaction and then scan the bin's barcode where the item will be stored. This eliminates the need to search for the bin in the list manually.
How to choose a scanner and connect it to Kladana, read in this article.
Kladen also offers QR code functionality. More details can be found in a separate article.