Types of access
In Kladana workspace, every transaction, counterparty, and product has two owners: a User and a Group. As an administrator, you can grant access of different types:
- Personal access;
- Group access;
- Shared access.
The access to a certain item for a certain user is determined by the user personal access.
If you want to set up the access for a transaction, click on the owner’s name.
If you want to set up the access for a counterparty or for a product, go to the Sharing section.
Personal access
As an administrator, you can customize the access of each employee. You can allow or restrict some sections or transactions viewing, editing, printing, and deleting.
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of an employee.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Select a section from the list on the left and configure the access to every action and transaction.
- Click Save settings.
- Click Save.
For more details see the following examples:
- How to set up personal access for counterparties
- How to set up personal access for Sales
- How to restrict average cost viewing
- How to restrict transaction viewing
Example 1. How to set up personal access for counterparties
Step 1. Select the user among counterparties.
- Select Counterparties → Customers & Suppliers.
- Click +Counterparty.
- Scroll down to the Sharing section and select the user.
- Click Save.
Step 2. Set up personal access for the user.
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of the user.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Select the Counterparties section from the list on the left.
- In the View column, select Own only for Counterparties. The Edit column settings are updated automatically.
- Click Save settings.
- Click Save.
Example 2. How to set up personal access for Sales
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of the user.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Select the Sales section from the list on the left.
- In the View column, select Own only for Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, Shipments. The Edit column settings are updated automatically.
- Click Save settings.
- Click Save.
Now in the Profit Report in the Sales section, the user can see only his own shipments.
Example 3. How to restrict average cost viewing
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of the user.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Select the Preferences section from the list on the left.
- Remove the checkbox for View average cost, purchase price and profit.
- Click Save settings.
- Click Save.
Example 4. How to restrict transaction viewing
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of the user.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Select the Purchases section from the list on the left.
- In the View column, select No for Receivings.
- Click Save settings.
- Click Save.
Role access
You can save the personal access settings of a user as a Role. Then you can use the Role to set up access for the other users.
- Click on the user icon and select Settings → Employees.
- Click on the name of any employee.
- Select User roles → User and click Setup permissions.
- Click Individual settings → +Role.
- Enter the name of the role and set the permissions.
- Click Save role to apply the permissions to every user who has the role.
- Click Save settings to apply the permissions to the current user.