Reorder Point is a minimum product stock in the warehouse. If the stock gets lower the Reorder Point, you can order more products from a supplier or transfer products to the warehouse from the other warehouse.
Reorder Point Setup
You can specify Reorder Point for a product or its variant.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Inventory → Products and Services.
- Click on the product in the product list.
- In the product card, scroll down to the Reorder Point section, select warehouse and enter the minimum value of the product stock.
For a product variant Reorder Point of the parent product is set as default. You can accept it or specify new value.
Reorder Point Notification
Enable Reorder Point notification to be informed the stock has declined to the minimum value.
- Click on the user icon and select My Profile.
- In the Notifications section switch on the Stock notification.
- Click on the checkbox to specify the way you would prefer to receive notifications: email, push notification, or both ones.
- Click Save.
Stock Replenishment
- Select Inventory → Stock.
- Click Replenish stock. Internal Order is automatically created. Products with stocks lower than the Reorder Points are added to the Internal order.
- Select Inventory → Internal order and click on the Internal order in the list to see details.
Calculations in Internal order are based on the On Hand product stock. Committed and In transit products are not taken into account.
Use Internal order to accomplish the following actions:
- Transfer the missing quantity of products to the warehouse from the other warehouse.
- Сreat Purchase Order based on On Hand quantity of products from Internal order.
- Create Purchase Order based on Available quantity of products.