As the product has lots of settings better to split them into several topics and deal with them consistently. This topic describes the first part of settings — how to fill the product summary.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Inventory → Products and Services.
- Click +Product.
- Specify the card’s unique name so you can easily find the item in the catalog.
- Fill the product summary:
- Supplier Code. A unique number that your supplier uses to identify a product. It will be automatically included in your purchase orders.
- Folder. A place in the catalog where your product will store. Use folders to organize your items and keep order in your inventory.
- Country. A place where the product was imported from or produced.
- UOM. A unit of measurement. Select one of the default UOMs in the drop-down list or create your own.
- Weight and Volume. Measures of a product. Fill them accurately to find the right packaging size or define the price of the shipment.
- Tax. A percentage of the retail price which added to the final purchase price paid by customers. Sale tax rates differ by state or country.
- Supplier. Person or company who has sold you this product. A supplier is linked to the product card: if you purchase a product again, a supplier contact is filled automatically in the purchase order and associated documents.
- Description. A marketing copy that explains what a product is and its value to potential customers.
- Click Save.
There are more settings in the product card you need to know: