Sales Orders start transactional relationships between your customer and you. Customers use orders to request a sale while companies use them to invoice their customers. Sales Orders are vital to the whole inventory management — they allow you to plan purchases and sales, reserve products in stock, and forecast customer demand.
In Kladana, creating Sales Orders won't take you much time because the app simplifies this process in the following way:
- Automatically fills the order number and current date. If needed, you can change them anytime.
- Displays available item quantity after you add an item to the order.
- Displays customer account balance to see if there is any debt or credit.
- Automatically fills the price of the added item and calculates the total order amount.
After creating you can edit a customer order anytime.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Click +Order.
- Specify the main order details:
- Your company and customer names
- Warehouse you plan to ship from
- Date you plan to ship the order
- If an order relates to a certain contract or project, specify them.
- Add items to the order in one of the following ways:
- In the Add from Catalog field, begin typing the item's name, SKU or supplier code. Kladana displays relevant items in the drop-down list and you can select an item to add. For every item you want to add, you need to repeat these steps.
- Click Import and, in the drop-down list, select Import. In the opened window, choose the file in the Excel or CSV format to bulk upload items from.
- Specify the ordered quantity for every added item.
- If you want to provide a discount for this order, enter the percentage of discount.
- If you don't want to charge taxes for this order, clear the Tax checkbox.
- If item pricing includes sales tax, select Tax Included checkbox.
- Click Save.
There are more settings related to the Sales Orders you need to know: