You can add items to committed stock in the following ways:
- For all items in one order
- For all items in a group of orders
- For specific items in one order
Committed quantity is removed from the stock automatically when you create a Shipment related to the Sales Order with committed quantity. If needed, you can remove the committed quantity manually.
Add all items for the order
- Adding all ordered items to committed stock is enabled by default.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Click the order to manage committed quantity.
- Click Allocation, and select Set to Committed in the drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
Add all items for a group of orders
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Select checkboxes of orders to manage committed quantity.
- Click Edit → Reserve.
Add specific items
If you want to add specific items to committed stock, you need to change the application settings.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Click
- In the pop-up section, select the Mark as Committed specific items in the Purchase Order checkbox.
- Click Save.
- Click the appropriate order.
- Select checkboxes of items to manage committed quantity.
- Click Allocation → Set to Committed.
- Click Save.
You can also specify the committed quantity by typing the number in the Allocation column.
Purchase Orders based on the committed stock
- In the Kladana workspace, select Inventory → Stock.
- Click Replenish stock. An Internal order is created.
- Go to Inventory → Internal Order, and select the Internal order in the list of Internal orders.
- Click Add Related, and select Purchase Order (missing stock qty) in the drop-down menu.
- Specify the Supplier.
- Click Save. The committed stock has replenished to the Reorder point.
In addition to committed stock, you can also manage the awaiting stock for flexible planning of the sale process.