A semi-finished product is an item that is counted like any other product and can be used to produce another product or can be sold itself.
Semi-finished products can be manufactured using the following methods:
- Create a Production Order just to produce semi-finished product independently using the BOM for such semi-finished product,
- Or add the BOM for semi-finished products to the Production Order along with the BOM for finished items (that use this semi-finished product as raw material) and produce them together.
If there is no need to track the movement of semi-finished products, then do not create separate Bills of Materials for each semi-finished product.
So, in case you need to produce semi-finished items separately for the purpose to count them in the stock or sell them, do the following:
- Create a separate Routing for production process of each semi-finished product.
- Create a product card for each semi-finished product.
- Create a Bill of Materials for each semi-finished product. Specify the raw materials used and associated operations costs to produce only that semi-finished product.
- Add semi-finished products to the Bills of Materials of finished products, to the Raw Materials tab. Bills of Materials for semi-finished products can be specified automatically or manually in the BOM column.
- To view the raw materials and costs of semi-finished products, you can generate a Product Cost Tree based on the Bill of Materials (Bill of Materials → Print → Product Cost Tree).