Bill of Materials (BOM) describes the production process in detail:
- Production Routing by stages;
- Finished product and its quantity;
- Raw materials and their quantity;
- Production Operations costs;
- Standard production time.
Create Bill of Materials
- In the Kladana workspace, select Production → Bills of Materials.
- Click +BOM.
- Specify the Bill of Materials details:
- Name (required);
- Routing (required);
- Folder;
- Comment.
- In the Finished Products tab, add the products that will be the result of the production process. Specify their quantity.
- If you need to produce two or more items, choose the method of cost allocation between them:
- Based on the sale price — the cost is allocated proportionally to the number of items in the Bill of Materials and the sale price specified in the item product card.
- Based on the quantity of products — the cost is allocated proportionally to the quantity of items in the Bill of Materials.
- In the Raw Materials tab, for each Production Operation:
- Add the materials required to manufacture the products. If you need to add many materials, click Excel/CSV file and upload a file in XLS or CSV format.
- The quantity of each material is indicated automatically according to the BOM’ Quota and can be edited if necessary.
- Specify the Bill of Material if you are going to produce the material yourself.
- In the Operations Costs tab, specify for each operation:
- Operational Costs, Labour Costs — the costs are summed up with the raw material costs to calculate the finished product cost.
- Standart Hour — the time typically required to complete an operation. It is also indicated in the Operation reports and Production progress report.
- Click Save.
Working with Bills of Materials
To edit the raw materials in the Bill of Materials:
- In the Raw Materials tab, click on the icon at the end of the row.
- Select the necessary action in the menu:
- Open product details — edit the product card of the raw material;
- Replace material — replace the raw material;
- Edit BOM — edit the BOM of the raw material;
- Create BOM — create a BOM to produce the raw material;
- Delete — remove the raw material from the BOM.
- Click Save.
Bills of Materials (BOM) can be printed. The following print templates are available:
- Bill of Materials — this template provides basic information such as the product, materials, quantities, production operations, and costs related to production and labor.
- Product Cost Estimates — in addition to basic information, it includes the planned production cost based on purchase prices.
You can also add custom fields to the Bills of Materials.