Production Order is a key part of a production process that contains:
- Finished products, their quantity, and Bills of Materials;
- Raw materials and production costs;
- Production Order operations and the sequence of their execution;
- Production Order start and end dates.
You can create a Production Order for a shift, a week, or the entire period.
Create Production Order
- In the Kladana workspace, select Production → Production Orders.
- Click +Production Order.
- Specify Materials Warehouse and Product Warehouse. It may be one and the same warehouse.
- In the Finished Products tab:
- Add Bills of Materials to determine the list of finished products and raw materials. You can add up to 200 Bills of Materials. Click on the BOM line to view its details, including products, raw materials, and expenses. If a Production Order includes multiple Bills of Materials, they are executed by default in the order they were added. Changing the order of the Bills of Materials in the Production Order updates the sequence of tasks in the Shop Floor App accordingly.
- Specify the Volume Ratio to determine the number of finished products.
- To see or edit the list of products, the composition of the item specified in the Bill of Materials, or the cost sum for production stages, click on the Bill of Materials row. In the opened window, make the necessary changes and click Save. Volume Ratio cannot be changed after completing the Operations.
- Add Bills of Materials to determine the list of finished products and raw materials. You can add up to 200 Bills of Materials. Click on the BOM line to view its details, including products, raw materials, and expenses.
- In the Raw Materials tab, check the list of production materials, costs, and the materials committed at the warehouses.
- Click Allocate order to committed stock checkbox to reserve the raw materials for the Production Order. When several Production Orders are in progress at the same time, this reservation helps you to plan Supply.
- Click Allocate order to awaiting stock checkbox to add the items to the awaiting stock. The products that have not yet been produced are counted as products In transit in the Stock report and in the Purchasing Management report. When the production process is completed, the awaiting stock is cleared. This helps you plan sales.
- Click Save.
You can also create a Production Order based on Sales Orders using Stock Replenishment.
To create a Production Order based on a single Sales Order:
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Click +Order.
- Add the items from the catalog that need to be produced.
- Fill in the order details: Your Company, Customer, Warehouse, etc.
- Click Add Related → Stock Replenishment.
- In the Stock Replenishment, click Fill up stock by and select Production Order.
- Specify the Source-to-Replenish and Reorder Quantity.
- To check the stock in the specific warehouse, click Filter, select the warehouse, and then click Find.
- Click Create.
To create a Production Order based on multiple Sales Orders:
- In the Kladana workspace, select Sales → Sales Orders.
- Select the Sales Orders in the list using checkboxes.
- Click Add Related → Stock Replenishment.
- Create the Stock Replenishment in the same way as in the previous case (see steps 6-9).
- After Production Order is completed you can create Shipments based on Sales Orders in the same way.
There are more settings related to Production Orders you need to know:
- Print Production Orders
- Send Production Orders via email
- Add custom fields and statuses
If you don’t have the necessary raw materials when creating the Production Order, you have the option to either produce (Production Order), order (Purchase Order), or transfer (Transfer) them. Within the Production Order, you can create the transactions using the Supply option for all these actions.
- In the Kladana workspace, select Production → Production Orders → Raw Materials.
- If the On hand is less than the Qty Planned, click Supply to order additional materials. The quantity to supply is displayed in the To supply column.
- To view the stock at a specific warehouse and plan transfers or purchases, click Filter, select the warehouse, and click Find.
- In the Supply Stock By column, specify the transaction to obtain the required raw materials: Stock Transfer, Purchase Order, or Production Order. To select a transaction for an individual material, click on its row in the column. To choose a single transaction for all materials, click on the column title and select the preferred option.
- Specify Source-to-Supply for every material.
- Specify Qty to Supply — the number of materials you want to order. Click on the column header to automatically set the quantity based on available stock, stock-on-hand, or the required quantity. Alternatively, you can manually enter a different quantity.
- Click Create. The operation may take some time. Please, wait.
- To check the operation status and results, follow the Watch Results link when the task is completed. Alternatively, after some time, click on the user icon and select Settings → Import.
Process Tracking
- In the Kladana workspace, select Production → Production Orders → Process Tracking.
- Click Start to produce. The production Start date is displayed in the Performance Report section.
- Indicate the performer for each operation. Only employees with access to Kladana can be selected. You can assign performers in advance. To do this, specify the performers and click Save.
- Specify the quantity of items in the To Be Produced column for each operation. The quantity of products specified in the Production Order can be manufactured all at once or in parts. For instance, if you have planned to produce a total of 10 items but only have enough materials in stock for 6, you can first produce and ship 6 items and then the remaining 4. The planned quantity of products is automatically pre-filled in the To Be Produced column by default.
- Click (→), and then Complete to mark the operations completed. Operation costs and raw materials specified in the Bill of Materials are written off.
- To mark all the operations as completed at once, select Edit → Complete all operations, choose the date, and click Save. Use this option if you do not need to track the execution of each operation, if you want to schedule production for a different date, or if the production cycle is short.
- To mark the operation as completed in the entire Production Order, at the end of the operation row, click on the menu icon and select Complete operation for all BOMs. If performers are not pre-specified in all BOMs, the employee assigned to this operation is specified as the performer for each BOM.
- If something goes wrong during the execution of an operation, you can cancel its execution. At the end of the operation row, click on the menu icon and select Cancel last completed operation.
- The execution date of the stage is indicated in the Last change column. Click on the data to view the Operation report in detail. You can also access the same information in the Operation Reports section, where information about all completed operations is collected.
- If you need to add materials, this can be done before the last production operation is completed. Click on the completion date, add the required materials in the Raw Materials section, and save the changes. If you need to add many materials, click Excel / CSV file and upload a file in XLS or CSV format. Only products and product variations can be imported.
- If you need to adjust the quantity of finished products, mark them as variations or defective products, after completing the final stage, click on the completion date. Edit the Operation Report and save the changes.
- After the final operation is completed, the End date is set in the Performance Report section. The finished product is sent to the stock.
The final Production Operation cannot be completed until the other operations are completed.
The total cost of finished products is calculated as the sum of the costs of consumed raw materials, along with the Operational and Labour Costs specified in the Bill of Materials. For more details, see Planned Cost Report for a Production Order.
If only a part of the planned quantity of products is manufactured within the Production Order, and the remaining part will not be carried out, the production process can be concluded.
- In the Production Order, on the Finished Products tab, delete the Bills of Materials for which production has not started.
- In the Process Tracking tab, set the same value in the To Be Produced column for all operations.
- Click Edit and select Finish Production from the drop-down menu.
There are more settings related to Process Tracking you need to know:
- Edit Process Tracking (bulk editing included)
- Print Process Tracking
- Add custom fields
Related transactions
Production order can be linked to other transactions: Internal Orders, Transfers, and Purchase Orders. For example, to transfer finished products from one warehouse to another, a Transfer needs to be added to the Production order.
- In the Production order, go to the Related transactions tab.
- Click Link Transaction.
- Click Filter. Set search parameters. Click Find.
- Select the Transfer using checkboxes.
- Click Link.