In Kladana, you can create warehouses of different types: child, parent or separate warehouses. You can create as many warehouses as you need and track stock balances separately for each warehouse.
You can create, edit, archive, and delete the warehouses.
Create warehouse
- In the Kladana workspace, click on the user icon and select Settings → Warehouses.
- Click +Warehouse.
- Specify the Warehouse name (required field). Enter the Warehouse Address, Comments, Code, and Custom fields, if necessary.
- If you want to create a child warehouse, select the parent warehouse name in the Folder field.
- If you use address storage, subdivide the warehouse into some storage zones:
- Click +Location and enter its name. A storage location can be renamed and deleted. You can create up to 10 locations for a warehouse.
- Click +Bin, enter its name, and select the location of the bin in the drop-down menu.
- Click +Location and enter its name. A storage location can be renamed and deleted. You can create up to 10 locations for a warehouse.
- If address storage is organized at the warehouse, by default, the Inventory Count is conducted by bins. To perform the Inventory Count by warehouse, uncheck the Do inventory counts by bins checkbox.
- Click Save.
Edit warehouse
- In the Kladana workspace, click on the user icon and select Settings → Warehouses.
- Select the warehouse in the list of warehouses. Click
near the warehouse name.
- Enter the required information in the opened window.
- Click Save.
Archive warehouse
If you no longer work with a particular warehouse you can archive it. In this case, the warehouse is hidden, but you can view or unarchive it if necessary. Use filters to find archive warehouses.