In Kladana taxes are calculated according to your company tax settings.
In transactions tax rate should be specified for every item: for a product, a service, or a bundle. If you want to set tax rates automatically, specify the tax rate of a product in the product card. If you need to indicate or edit tax rate for the specific item in the specific transaction, in a Sales Order for instance, you can do it manually.
You can also set a tax rate for a folder. In this case, the tax rate value will be automatically specified in all the cards of the items in the folder.
Tax rate list
Active tax rates are grouped in the tax rate list. Click the user icon and select Settings → Tax rates to view, create, edit (bulk editing included), archive, and delete tax rates. Only the user tax rates can be deleted.
Tax rates creating, editing, and deleting are available only if you have the appropriate access rights.
Create tax rate
- Click the user icon and select Settings → Tax rates.
- Click +Tax rate.
- Specify the tax rate value. Add a comment if necessary.
- Click Save.